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Pride and Prejudice
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Anansi Boys

Anansi Boys - Neil Gaiman Anansi Boys is like a rollercoaster without the loops, very few twists and one that keeps the speed to a minimum. You strap yourself in, ready for excitement that never materializes. My god, I've never felt more luke warm towards a book in my life.

The mildly interesting story is of a somewhat relatable modern day slacker coming to grips with his father's and brother's overwhelming personalities as well as a fantasy world he didn't know existed. I'm tired of stories with modern day slackers bringing their pessimistic cynicisms to a world filled with fantastical lore. It's a fourth wall breaker and it's been done to death. I won't say Gaiman has taken the myth, mystery and intrigue completely out of this Caribbean mythology. He has however married it with a modern sensibility that claps a ball and chain about its ankle. At least with other books of his he can be given the credit of imaginary inventiveness. Anansi Boys doesn't even have that going for it.